How 3 Best Friends Live on 120k Total in Brooklyn, NYC | Money Tours
Glamour Magazine
This group of best friends living in Crown Heights, Brooklyn show us how they furnished their 4-bedroom apartment on a very limited budget.
It Girls on Friendship in your 20s
By Cole Habersham
‘What is the criteria for being a Modern Day [Micro] It Girl (MDIG)? Going off little more than personal gumption, I think MDIGs have presence (standing out in rooms without trying), perspective (having clearly-defined thoughts on the world, culture, and self), and likability (being the kinds of people people want to be friends with). “
November 2021
IC Park Careers Podcast
Hosted by Savannah Dames
“The IC Park Careers Podcast series at Ithaca College (IC) features conversations on the media and communications industry/professions.”
Published November 2020
Panelist: Five under Five – Looking Back, Moving Forward
By Julie Dannevig
“The event, hosted by the Students Today Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) as part of “I Love IC Week,” featured panelists Kylee Roberts ’19, Brandon Schneider ’17, Katrina Grein ’17, Imogen Mills ’18, Melinda McGill-Carlison ’15, MBA ’16, and Harmony Malone ’15. The panelists all graduated within the last five years and represented each of the five academic schools at the college.”
February 2020
Senior Spotlights: Roy H. Park School of Communications
By Maia Noah
“The Ithacan is highlighting exceptional seniors from each of the five schools on campus who have done exemplary work in their major and across campus throughout their four years at Ithaca College.”
April 2019
Panelist: "With Infinite Hope" screening
Hosted by Ithaca’s Cinemapolis, the panel featured some of the amazing women who went to Memphis to cover #MLK50 and produce the documentary, With Infinite Hope.